Sunday 12 April 2015

John Green's books give me life...


I wanted to take the time to confess my love for John Green's writing... A little strange, but until you read just one of his book, you will not understand :P

Lets take a trip into my past...
Last year some time I was in PCG (home room) at school and my friend Emily told me that she was reading this amazing book called 'The Fault in Our Stars' by this guy, John Green. I thought, eh this isn't a book I'd enjoy since I tend to read books about dystopian worlds were the characters lives are at risk from some fiction event. But I decided that it might be nice to read something different for a change, so I bought the book and began to read. I personally don't read too fast, maybe a book in 2 weeks if I like it; but this book I read in just one week. It was incredible and amazing, and I was left wanting more.

So what else could I do to satisfy this 'want' of mine, than to read another of John Green's books... or should I say masterpieces?

I read 'Paper Towns.'.. In 3 days... It was so good!! The tale of a boy pining for a girl who has disappeared mysteriously, leaving clues for him to find her. How could someone not be intrigued by this, 'cause I certainly was! I even convinced my little sister to read it and she loved it just as much :D

Next was 'Looking For Alaska', which again, was MAGICAL! Learning the life of an average teenage boy at a new boarding school, where he meets a cool bunch of friends who include him. Then each of them destroyed emotionally when tragedy strikes, and they learn to cope with what's happened and learn life lessons. This book was so emotional and I loved it! One quote that stuck with me from 'Looking For Alaska' was "If people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane" which is so powerful and shows the power of love.

Anyway, the point of this post was to bring to your attention the brilliance of John Green and his books. If you haven't read them, read them. If you have read them, read them again. They're too good to not be read.


- Tianah xo

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