Tuesday 10 March 2015

The Giants (13/02 - 15/02)


This post is a little different from my other ones, but then again, I don't want my blog content to be set in stone, so here is a little post about the cultural phenomenon that swept through Perth city from Friday 13th of March until the 15th of March.

The story behind The Giants is complex and I cannot explain the whole story, so I will link a website where you can read the entire story in detail.

It was amazing to see the The Little Girl Giant and the Giant Diver. They are simply incredible and are a story of Western Australia's Aboriginal culture being recognised in the modern society.

Hundreds of thousands of people came to see the Giants over the three days, so there was simply too many people to get a great look, but I managed to captured these shots.

The Little Girl Giant sitting on the Giant Diver's lap
The Little Girl Giant dancing

The Giant Diver getting his helmet on

The Giant Diver beginning his journey around Langley Park

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